
多加 寫在2005年感恩節
日常生活中的「謝謝」,隨著文明的發展帶有越來越多的禮貌成分。然而有一種發自心底的感激卻是難以用語言表達的─ 那是一種心靈的震撼和體驗。
多少次想將它表達,卻總覺筆下的文字是那麼蒼白,說出的話語是那麼有限。於是一次次又把它收藏在心底 …。

妳的「A hug just for you 」給我的鼓勵難以用語言表達。
妳在我找不到詞語表達謝意時,妳卻真誠地對我說:「我要感謝妳,因為妳讓我的生命更有意義。」─ 妳的話讓我越發無語—


一直希望有機會把心底的那份感激之情表達出來,並且希望讀者能體會到我心底的那份不同尋常的感受。然而每次每次都因言語有限的困擾而擱筆。今天終於說服了自己就用最普通的話語表達。但是,當我拿起筆來的時候,心裡涌出的感謝竟是那麼多,那麼多,好像天上的星星,令我無法一一數算 —



我想起聖經中有這樣一句話:『神就是愛。住在愛裡面的,就是住在神裡面,神也住在他裡面』 親愛的朋友,這話也許妳未曾聽說過,但這的確是真理。神是「愛」的源 頭。

聖經裡還 有一句話說:『施比受更為有福』。這話是耶穌說的。於是,我就相信:我是有福的人!我也相信親愛的朋友,妳也是有福的人!

My Testimony

Christina T. Lee, December, 2004
It is exactly a year ago this Labor Day weekend since I finished my first 96 hour dose of chemotherapy. For a worrier like me, it was God’s grace and mercy that I did not faint when the doctor told me that I had multiple myeloma, a form of cancer that affects antibody-producing cells in the bone marrow. In addition to receiving the 4 cycles of induction chemotherapy (3 different drugs infused over 4 days) and two stem cell transplants, each preceded by a large dose of single drug chemotherapy, I also endured three major infections in the past year. During that period of time, I did not dare to look beyond one day at a time. Each day proved to be a miracle as the cycles of chemotherapy administered intravenously did not ruin my organs or kill me. Most of the drugs I received have serious potential side effects that could cause damage to the liver, stomach, kidneys and heart. I believe that I was a walking miracle each day.

The diagnosis of my sickness was so sudden and unexpected that my family and I were caught by surprise. I had my bank accounts rearranged and put away all my valuables to the safety box. I watered all my hundred plus houseplants at home so they would not be thirsty. The Lord softly reminded me that if I, a sinful person, would care for the plants when I did not know what would happen to me, so much more was His love for me. “If that is how God clothes the grass of the field which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will He not much more clothe you. O you of little faith.”Matt 6: 30. The Lord comforted me through His Holy Spirit and reminded me of His precious words. “When I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust, I will not be afraid.”Psalm 56: 3-4. He urged me clearly to look to Him and not my sickness.“My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare.” Psalm 25:15. He encouraged and admonished me through sisters in Christ to be positive. “We take captive every thought to make it obedience to Christ” II Cor l0:5. “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”Phil 4:8. All my fears and worry came from my mind and only God’s precious words were my hope and encouragement to battle the temptation to worry: “May Your unfailing love come to me O Lord. Your salvation according to Your promise . . . for I trust in Your word . . . remember Your words to your servant for You have given me hope. My comfort in my suffering is this Your promise preserves my life . . . I remember Your ancient laws O Lord and I find comfort in them” Psalm ll9:4l-52.

I was uplifted by God’s words of love, hope, peace, His presence and His deliverance. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Roman 15: 13. “Save me and I will be saved. Heal me and I will be healed for you are the one I praise”Jeremiah 17:14. He was the anchor of my soul and my good shepherd. He carried me through the first cycle of chemotherapy with love and prayer support from many brothers and sisters in Christ. Through an email from one of the elders of my church, He reminded me that I was not alone. Another elder said that the church followed closely my condition and treatment.

The love of God was manifested through the sacrificial action of so many brothers and sisters who went out of their way to cook and deliver food after a long day’s work. One couple received a traffic ticket because they rushed to deliver food to me. One brother drove more than 20 miles to our house to walk with me while he himself was waiting for surgery. Two came to help us remove our broken refrigerator; others did grocery shopping for us. One dear sister, whose own child went through an allogenic bone marrow transplant about 5 years ago, cooked for me and made many beautiful hats for me to keep my bald head warm, in spite of her extremely busy schedule. Others sent CDs of hymns and cards or called from different parts of the world to encourage and pray for us.

God strengthened me and carried me through the implantation of an intravenous port, placement of intravenous catheter to the heart (the doctor did not use the ultrasound to guide him; therefore, there was even greater chance for him to accidentally get to the lung and puncture it), daily needle sticks for blood tests, as well as shots (my husband who was one of the caregivers gave me the shots twice a day for 10 days) for stem cell mobilization and collection. I experienced cold chills and hot flashes, violent vomiting, frequent diarrhea, severe cramps and much more. Only patients who have undergone such procedures and their care giving family members truly understand the indescribable discomfort. Praise and thanks be to God that He enabled scientists to discover ways to reduce these sufferings.

One of my twin daughters who was working in New York city quit her promising and successful job to come back and be my caregiver to reduce my husband’s burden and stress. She and my husband performed all the tedious care-giving tasks along with the chores. These included flushing my IV line every day, changing my sterile dressings twice a week, adjusting water/room temperatures and staying with me during each shower. They sterilized all my utensils and warmed my food even in the middle of night. They stayed with me overnight and slept in a hospital sofa during each of my treatments. They gave up the freedom to do their own things and be with their peers. They also had to watch me suffer. However, God alone turned evil to good. For in the process, we all experienced and saw the wonder of God. He protected and shielded me, provided me with more than I have asked. He heard our prayers and delivered me. He is loving and faithful. Frequently, I would have waves of fear and uncertainty during my 4 cycles of chemotherapy. I had emotional ups and downs: “Why should He heal me? Do I have the right to pray for healing?” I also had many dark and eerie dreams: seeing vultures, cliffs, being chased and trying to dodge danger or hiding from the danger. I did not know how I would respond to the chemo. I had many “what ifs” on my mind before going in for the first 96 hours cycle of chemotherapy: “How could I endure the poison? What if I went into a coma?”

God in the process transformed my mind to focus on Him, “to be made new in the attitude of your minds, and to put on the new self created to be like God in the righteousness and holiness.” Eph 4:23. A dear sister who brought congee to me in the hospital, encouraged me that in her prayer for me God helped her to see that Christ’s all sufficient blood could cleanse my blood. What an encouragement!

The process of learning to trust in God was ongoing during my treatment. At times I thought I had learned to completely trust in Him and not to worry. By His grace, I grew, learned, and proved that, “No one whose hope is in the Lord will ever be disappointed” Psalm 25:3. However, Satan is like a brawling lion ready to devour me. My mind was up and down like the tide. Oh my long suffering Lord, His patience towards His child who had little faith. He reminded me He loved me and upheld me. “I sought the Lord and He answered me. He delivered me from all my fears.” Psalm 34:4. “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief.” Mark 9:24. God brought me to remember how He healed King Hazekiah, Namaan, and the woman who bled for 12 years. Praisethe Lord for there is nothing impossible in Him. Through His Holy Spirit, He gently, patiently and surely transformed me – my whole being.

Several days before the third cycle of my chemotherapy, I came down with high fever. My husband told me that I was repeating “no need to be afraid, no need to be afraid” in my sleep before I was admitted to the hospital. I believe that God was comforting me in my sleep through the words in a hymn that we had sang the past Sunday,“He is in control, I will not be afraid.” The Lord indeed carried me through the valley and shadow of death. Although the tests could not pinpoint what kind of infection I had, I immediately responded to the empirical antibiotic treatment aimed at unusual infections that usually affects patients with compromised immune systems. “You brought me up from the grave. You spared me from going down into the pit” Psalm 30:3.

In December 2003, shortly after completion of my last cycle of the induction chemotherapy, the New England Journal of Medicine published an article regarding a six year French study which noted the benefits of back-to-back stem cell transplants for myeloma patients. The treatment requires a very large dose of single drug, followed by a stem cell transplant the next day. My husband and I had been seeking the Lord’s guidance to determine whether and where to undergo stem cell transplant since I was diagnosed.

My diet was a very important consideration during my treatment. Two components of my diet included high nutrition and cleanliness. The high toxicity of my treatment took a toll on my immune system. This left me extremely susceptible to common infections that an average healthy person would have no problems with. As a result, I could not interact

It would be more difficult to have friends prepare nutritious Chinese food for me if I were to go to another state for treatment. She strongly advised me to weigh the pros and cons of going out of state for treatment. After much investigation and prayer, God in His grace led me to Houston. God led a loving couple who have been our friends for over 30 years to take an early retirement in Houston in January of 2003. She was a gourmet cook who knew my childhood favorites and cravings because she came from the same province. In addition, she was a nurse. Both she and her husband were patient and caring, thoughtful and always there for us. During the first week after I was discharged from the hospital following my first transplant, I over-exerted myself and vomited really badly. I immediately called our friend that afternoon for my favorite dishes. Without any hesitation, she cheerfully cooked and sterilized the food for me. In addition to that couple, God also provided me a college friend who worshipped at the church where our former pastor from St. Louis currently preaches. The church was 15 minutes away from the hospital. She and her husband picked us up on Sundays so that we could go and worship. This college friend also helped cook for me during my second transplant while my nurse friend was on vacation. Houston was notoriously hot and humid in July. Although she could not stand the heat, she lovingly and gladly offered to shop groceries for us, cooked and delivered food to my hotel that was located nearly 40 minutes away from her house. Knowing that I would be confined to the hospital for several weeks after the first transplant, my college friend and her husband invited us to their lakeside house to enjoy the beautiful weather and scenery God provided. ”Many O Lord my God are the wonder You have done. The things You planned for us, no one can recount to You, if I were to speak and tell of them, there will be too many to declare.” Psalm 40:5

Prior to the transplant, I had to sign a release form that I dreaded to read because it spelled out all the potential complications (including death) associated with this treatment. It was especially frightening since the chemotherapy I was scheduled to receive was 30% more than the dose received by patients in the French study. Praise be to the Lord “ though I walk through the valley and the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me” Psalm23:4.

In preparation for my transplant, I had to go through a series of pre-transplant tests. The doctor had to remove my old infusion port and place a new large, double lumen intravenous catheter that was used for stem cell collection and infusion of chemotherapy. Shortly after the insertion of the new line, I started to ooze around the catheter due to my low platelet counts. I had to go to the emergency room twice in the middle of the night and early morning to stop the bleeding. I felt so bad for my husband and daughter since they had to take me to the emergency room and were not able to sleep. They were worn out physically having to take care of my every need around the clock and I cried out to the Lord to give them some rest and give the doctors/nurses wisdom to stop the bleeding. God listened to my prayer and after trying for several hours, one of the nurses finally was able to stop the oozing and I was able to keep the newly placed catheter. Later, my first transplant had to be delayed because16 transplant patients came down with the same viral infection on the floor I was supposed to be admitted. God provided this extra time for me to rest and build strength. “My soul found rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him” Psalm 62:l.

Before going in for the first transplant, I dreamed that I faced the misty lofty Mattahorn. The Lord, in His power and love, gave me clearly His words from Isaiah 41:10-12, “So do not fear for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”He indeed carried me. It was hard and yet not hard, as if He lifted me away during difficult times. He fulfilled His promises. He was with me, carried me and strengthened me. I was able to walk around the floor and did exercises. Even during my weakest time God still upheld me to be able to walk once. Up to that stage of my sickness God proved true to this section of His promise and I trust that He will fulfill the rest of the promise in me: “All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced, those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Amen”. The nurse to whom I told my dream said,”now you are over the Alps”. Praise the Lord.

On the day of chemotherapy preceding the first transplant, I needed to stuff my mouth with ice to constrict the blood vessels and to reduce the inflow of toxic drug so that I would not develop extensive mouth sores. I have sensitive gums. Any cold and sweet things can give me pain. I drank only warm things. The Lord miraculously shielded me from pain when I had to fill my mouth continuously with ice for 1 ? hrs. I did develop some mouth sores because despite my gentle brushing, the chemo brush was still able to tear the gum. God enabled me to tolerate the pain while rinsing my mouth with water and antibacterial mouthwash after each meal or every 4 hours. However, for the second transplant the Lord helped me to learn from the first experience. He protected me and enabled me to keep the ice cubes in my mouth for 2 straight hours without interruption (30 minutes longer than usual because the pharmacy delayed bringing my chemotherapy drug for half an hour). The nurses were amazed that I was able to keep the ice for such a long time. They were even more astonished to see that I did not develop any mouth sores after the second transplant. It is almost unheard of that patient does not have mouth sore after receiving such a high dose of chemotherapy!

During my hospitalization, some of the nurses and phlebotomists were not vigilant in using aseptic technique. However, God protected me from getting infected. He enabled the toxic drugs to destroy the cancerous cells and spare the good ones just like He destroyed all the Egyptians but shielded the Israelite firstborns by the blood of a perfect lamb. By their act of faith and obedience, they were shielded. All through my treatments, my nausea was minimal. I did not need Zofran, which was the most effective treatment for nausea. Cancer patients call it a friend. While I have had stomach problems since elementary school, chemotherapy can even cause gastric irritation in patients with no history of stomach problems. Praise the Lord He miraculously shielded me.

Before my second transplant, I frantically sought God’s words and promises. Satan again scared me by telling me that it was my second and last hope. Satan made me doubt that the Lord would heal me. Then the Lord reminded me and gave me the verse, “Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?” Isaiah 66:9. “Then you will know that I am the Lord; those who hope in Me will not be disappointed.”Isaiah 49:23.

When I went in for the second transplant, I had shingles because my white blood cells did not come up high enough . The doctors had me to stop all the medications. It was apparent that he had not encountered patients who came down with shingles before the transplant. Because of the shingles, my second transplant had to be delayed. I was first treated with heavy doses of antiviral medication orally. However the medication did not effectively stop the virus and it spread to the corner of my left eye. Knowing that the virus could blind me, I was sent to the ophthalmologist. The Lord protected my vision. The ophthalmologist put me on three medications and I was admitted immediately to the hospital for intravenous treatment. The nurse wanted to administer pain medication because shingles usually caused excruciating pain that lasted for several months as the virus burned and blistered along the nerve. However, I told her that I did not need any pain medication because it did not hurt much at all. She thought I had a high tolerance for pain. I knew it was God’s grace and mercy that He shielded me from pain and suffering. The anesthesiologist who specialized in pain came and offered me various treatments including nerve block to minimize pain caused by shingles. She also was amazed when I told her that I did not need any pain medication. It was miracle upon miracle. Indeed His mercy and grace rested upon me.

The intravenous antiviral medication I received was known to cause damage to the kidney. The Lord enabled me to drink a lot of fluid and shielded me. He enabled the fluid to be effective. After two weeks of treatment for shingles, I received my pretransplant chemotherapy. I spent a total of 4 weeks on the hospital transplant floor. It was His grace for there were others who spent several months. The doctor, after the transplant, to my surprise, thanked me. He said that he had not encountered such a case before and went ahead with the transplant without knowing if the shingles would recur during the immediate post transplant period. He was really taking a chance since he had to stop the intravenous antiviral treatment when the stem cell transplant was initiated. Through my illness I have become aware how magnificent our immune system was made. Our normal immune system helps us fight off infections and keeps cancer from growing. After it breaks down, no drugs or treatment can perfectly take it’s place because all drugs have serious side effects. The medication may help one problem but start another. If it were not the Lord’s shielding me, I would not know what other organs the medications would damage. “I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm l39:l4.“O Lord, You brought me up from the grave, You spared me from going down into the pit.” Psalm 30:3.

For patients undergoing stem cell transplants like me, the day that I received my stem cells (one day after a large dose of single chemotherapeutic agent) heralded the new beginning or what the nurses called a new birthday. All my old and bad cells were killed; my white blood cell counts were down to a negligible level and so were my platelets. Praise the Lord that I am a new being. I even have a new rosy complexion and new soft hair. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”II Cor 5:17. Physically I am and so is my spiritual condition in the Lord.

On several occasions during the past year God taught me to be strong and wait before Him, to yield and trust in Him. When flying to Houston for my second transplant, heavy storm and bad weather caused our plane to be re-routed to Lafeyette, Louisiana airport. My daughter was worried that we had to stay overnight in the airport with nothing clean for me to buy and eat. All my medications were in the checked luggage — it was a small plane, even the carry-on bags needed to be checked in. Many businessmen, after three hours of waiting, left for car rentals and decided to drive to Houston, that was 4 hours away by car. I did not want my daughter to drive nor did I wish to have my dear friend who was waiting in the Houston airport to come and pick us up. However, the Lord gave a worrier like me a sense of inexplicable peace. He clearly spoke to me and comforted me that we would be in Houston that night. Sure enough, shortly after, we were called to board and arrived in Houston before those who had chosen to rent cars and drive.

The second instance relates to drawing blood from my vein for lab tests. I have small rolling veins, which were a constant challenge for all phlebotomists. I found only one good phlebotomist to draw my blood. Even to her, I was challenging. One day when several patients and I were called to have our blood drawn, a few of them cut in front of me. I did not insist to line up in the order that we were called. It so happened that the Lord arranged to have the good phlebotomist to draw my blood. If I were to insist that we went in the order we were called, I would not have her as my phlebotomist. “be strong and take heart and wait on the Lord” Psalm 27:14.

I’m extremely thankful now that I have the energy to resume all of my normal activities. These include: cooking, bathing, paying bills, grocery shopping, eating some peelable fruits, and dining in restaurants. I went canoeing in the lake with my family in September on weekends till the canoe season ended. I was able to soak in His beautiful creation and smell the fresh air. God also enabled me to go to Toronto with my family to celebrate my dad’s 80th birthday in October. “You turned my wailing to dancing. You removed sackcloth and clothed me with joy.” Psalm 30:11.

I still need monthly blood tests in town. However, I only need to go to Houston for check ups every three months or longer. The doctor has been cautious not to pronounce remission because I still had a small amount of abnormal protein in my 24 hour urine collection when tested in Oct. But I am confident and trust that the Almighty and loving God would do just as He promised, “He restored me to health and let me live. Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered affliction” Isaiah 38:l7. “The living, the living-they praise You as I am doing today” Isaiah 38:l9. In the minds of human it is hard to believe and comprehend that remission is possible. However The Lord is God and as in Psalm 50: 21 said” you thought I was altogether like you”. “My grace is sufficient for you for My power is made perfect in weakness.” II Cor l2:9. I expect that in my next test the doctor will be amazed. “So that the people may see and know, may consider and understand that the hand of the Lord has done this”Isaiah 4l: 20.

The Lord through this past year healed me physically and transformed me from a worried, scared person to the one who learn to trust in Him day by day and wait upon Him. Sure, there are waves of fear and anxiety that come my way at times. He bid me to trust and look to Him. Though it has been a constant spiritual warfare of the mind, I need to look to God for strength: “ put on the full armor of God.”Eph 6:11. He has given me a second chance. I am a new being by His love and power. I am waiting expectantly that others and all who know of my sickness be able to see that the hand of Lord has done this. May honor and glory be to Him. “Blessed is she who has believed what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished” Luke 1:45. Without the sickness, I would not have experienced God’s love and unity through my dear brothers and sisters in Christ. May the Lord bless all these brothers and sisters who channeled His love in so many different ways. I also tested and confirmed that the Words of the Lord are precious; they were my hope and promises from Him. “My comfort in my suffering is this:Your promises preserves my life. Psalm ll9:50 and “if your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction” Psalm 119:92.

My family and I learned the importance of prayer and supplication. A physician friend told me that he could not help me but would pray for me. I told him that this was the most important thing of all. Brothers and sisters in the Lord were stirred to kneel before the Lord. They were drawn close to Him in intercession and channeled God’s love. They shared in the joy and jubilation of witnessing how great God is in answering their prayers. The prayers to the Maker of heavens and the earth shielded and strengthened us and brought victory and salvation just as the Israelites won victory over the Amalekites when Mose’s hands lifted up to the Lord. I can attest to the power through my sickness. I praise and thank God for such a privilege and honor that, through Christ’s redeeming blood, we can come boldly to His throne of mercy. He alone can save.

In addition, I learned and experienced His love and power first hand. I should have known because the Lord’s unfailing love and power are always in my daily life. Even so, it took such a sickness for me to realize it. “One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard that You O God are strong and You O Lord are loving.” Psalm 62:ll-l2.”As we have heard, so have we seen, in the city of the Lord Almighty, in the city of our God. God makes her secure forever.”Psalm 48:8. “My ears had heard of You but now my eyes have seen You.” Job 42: 5.

“My heart may sing to You and not be silent. O Lord my God I will give You thanks forever.” Psalm 30:12

Note: I started writing this testimony in September 2004 Labor Day weekend. It is now December that I finally finish reviewing it. Since beginning, I have had 2 blood tests in town; praise the Lord, for the results showed that no abnormal protein spike was found on immunoassay. An abnormal protein spike in the blood indicates disease of the bone marrow; its absence implies I would not have any Bence Jones protein in my urine, and hence, no more multiple myeloma. Hallelujah.

以愛傳愛 – Jennifer Qiu

南加州 Jennifer Qiu





癌症經歷 – 葉沾勳

葉沾勳 2005年5月5日





不再孤單 – 王芬

南加州 王芬



然而,最值得感恩的是她們帶領我真正認識了 神。角聲癌症協會的全體職員及義工們經常為我禱告,陪我流淚,並告訴我,把一切擔憂、重擔都交給 神,讓 神來掌管一切,使我身、心、靈得到 神的完全醫治。我深深的感謝他們細膩的愛心,帶給了我新希望,使我成為一個基督徒,擁有永生的盼望,使我每天有平安、喜樂,對未來的人生也有了新的起步。為這一切,我要將所有的感謝、讚美與榮耀都歸給愛我的 神,讓我在病痛中經歷 祂的愛與恩典。今後我願成為一條流通的管道,一定要把 神的愛,角聲癌症協會的愛,傳播宣揚出去,也要主動去關懷、幫助那些有需要的人。

伴她走過 – 陳江海

南加州 陳江海 2005年5月15日








全能者 – 趙小青



我–趙小青,自認為是很幸運的北京人,在一九九七年十月份不幸染上惡疾─惡性淋巴瘤。兩年多不間斷的治療,效果一直不理想。遠在美國德州休士頓的表妹和妹夫建議我去全世界最有名的安德森癌症醫療中心(M.D. Anderson Cancer Center)去做治療,就這樣在北京協和醫院沈教授(我的主治大夫)熱心幫助下,我在愛人翟毅彤的陪同下於二000年三月三十日登上了去美國的航班,在到達洛杉磯前填寫入境卡時,猛然發現那天正好是我三十四歲的生日,那一刻我彷彿感覺到了什麼似的,其實,那都是我天父的安排,感謝神!

初到休士頓,儘管表妹和妹夫把吃住都給我們安排好,但一切都覺得是那麼陌生。記得達到的第二天晚上,明湖教會的黃先祿長老和師母就帶著吃的,喝的來看我們,並送給我們一本小冊子「認識真神」。緊接著第三天,又來了郭子賢老師和師母,他們的到來,讓我感覺輕鬆了許多。四月三日,妹夫丁忠義帶我倆到了癌症醫療中心,醫生安排我要做的一系列檢查CT, X-ray等等,在漫長又艱難痛苦的日子裡,我苦苦地承受著、等待著,現在一想起那些苦和痛,我的淚水仍就止不住。












再告訴各位一個神蹟:二000年八月經安德森醫療癌症中心(M.D. Anderson Cancer Center)診斷那位毫無希望的趙小青已於二00一年十一月份開始正式上班工作了。感謝神,我們全能的父!








于北京 12-19-2004

從少奶奶成吳奶奶 – 吳王慶惠











在神安排的時刻 – 龔振成




生命的鬥士 – 鄭瓊瑜


Lily的身體狀況一向不錯,很少生病。二零零四年感恩節前夕,她正在餐館工作時,忽然發現自己罕見地流了鼻血,機警的她立刻求醫。剛開始時,醫生認為這可能是空氣乾燥所引發的症狀,開了些噴鼻劑給她,但Lily的症狀並沒有改善,甚至還持續性地咳血,醫生見情勢有異,立刻安排Lily接受專科醫生檢查,檢查結果讓Lily差點昏厥 ─醫生發現她罹患了鼻咽癌。























奈及利亞情懷 – 奈及利亞情懷




我看見奈及利亞的人有說不出的愛與親切感,在休士頓我已多次遇到他們,特別在主日禮拜他們男士們西裝畢挺、婦女的各個穿著奈及利亞國正式服裝,大人、小孩穿著都正式端莊,聚會完他(她)們接著來美華超市買菜,人也和善。三年前在Ross Town兩位女士要求我幫助她們送回家,因家人送她們來逛街買衣服就去上班無法來接她們;途中交談得知其中乙位女士由奈及利亞來探友人,明天就要回國,我一聽她們倆位都是奈及利亞人,心裡真高興,也沒有多想什麼就幫助她們。


3/15/05 11:58pm

經歷神奇妙的帶領 – 文雨


去年十一月,當街頭巷尾飄散著歲末年終的歡愉氣氛時,角聲癌友關懷網義工小林 (化名,註1 ) 接到組長的電話,告訴他有一個新移民家庭需要協助。這個家庭的男主人正雄(化名)在二零零六年三月被診斷出罹患了末期癌症,疾病帶來的疼痛已經漫延全身,連翻個身都困難重重,正雄的妻子美美 ( 化名) 為了照顧先生,已經好幾個月無法外出工作。由於這個家庭才剛移民到美國,他們沒有任何醫療保險,經濟情況也不寬裕,加上語言文化的隔閡,讓他們對這個突如其來的打擊不知所措。幾經考慮,他們曾經回到中國,盼望在熟悉的故鄉尋求治療。但他們在中國花光了所有的積蓄,還向親戚借了一筆錢,正雄的病情仍然沒有好轉,帶著無奈,他們又回到了美國。

返美後,正雄的病情持續惡化。由於他們在美國沒有任何親友,女兒也才七年級,照顧正雄的擔子完全落在美美肩上。小林表示,當他第一次去探訪正雄一家人時,美美已經好幾個晚上沒有閤眼,整個人筋疲力竭,正雄也被超過忍耐極限的疼痛折磨得幾乎不能進食與入睡。為了幫助正雄在人生最後一段時日擁有較好的生活品質,並且讓他的妻子能喘口氣,好好睡個覺,小林向正雄及美美介紹安寧療護 ( hospice,註2 ) 的理念,並詢問正雄住進安寧療護病房的意願。剛開始時,正雄極力反對,不願與妻女分開。








註2:安寧療護 ( hospice ) 的目的是協助末期病人度過一個少痛苦、有平安、有尊嚴、有好生活品質的善終,詳細說明請參見 安寧療護(或寧養服務)

結出許多子粒來 – 鄭瓊瑜




二零零三年二月三日,陽光燦爛,煒鑾和淑儀以及女兒開開心心地前往建築公司商談家中浴室裝修工程的細節,回程的路上,淑儀忽然腹痛難耐,疼痛很迅速地惡化,回到家時,她已痛得近乎休克,煒鑾連忙打911將淑儀送往急診室,並急電大兒子回家幫忙。經過初步診斷,醫生本來以為淑儀只是罹患了盲腸炎,但淑儀告知醫生,她的盲腸早已割除,醫生連忙為她進行電腦斷層掃瞄(CT Scan) ,檢查結果發現淑儀的肝臟部位長了一顆約八公分大的惡性腫瘤,由於腫瘤已經破裂,淑儀才會忽然急劇腹痛。



手術後,為了能夠到對治療Sarcoma較有經驗的University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)接受化學治療 (簡稱化療),煒鑾和淑儀與保險公司周旋了好幾個月,經過不斷的禱告,保險公司終於同意淑儀轉院到UCSF接受化療。化療過程雖然艱辛,但淑儀仍不忘幫助其他癌友,化療才剛開始四天,她便在隔天帶著疲憊的身體,開車接送其他癌友從舊金山到Santa Clara,參加美國癌症協會舉辦的活動。她曾寫道:「不管日子多困難,我都要堅持下去,不屈服癌?等康復之後,我將會做癌症義工?」








化療結束九個月後,醫生發現淑儀的肝臟又出現了癌腫瘤,而且比上次發病還嚴重。醫生表示他已無法再為淑儀做甚麼治療。淑儀平靜地回到家中,開始接受安寧療護 ( Hospice ) 。二零零五年一月十三日,淑儀安詳地回到永恆的國度。淑儀辭世之後,神奇妙地藉著一組車牌號碼大大地安慰了煒鑾的心,讓他在傷痛之餘,仍感受到神的眷顧與愛。



「一粒麥子不落在地裏死了,仍舊是一粒,若是死了,就結出許多子粒來。」(約翰福音12:24) 這句經文正是淑儀生命的寫照。她在地上的生命雖然只有短短的四十幾年,但她卻能超越自身的苦難,在生病的兩年裏和夫婿煒鑾一同幫助許多癌友抗癌,並帶領多位癌友認識神。如今她已息了地上的勞苦,但煒鑾堅定地表示,癌症義工將是他永不放棄的志業,他會延續淑儀的心願,繼續照顧、幫助癌友與家屬,直到與淑儀在天家重逢。他說:「感謝主給我有平安的生活,健康的身體,豐衣足食的居所,生活在一個沒有戰爭、疾病的某一角落,我們更應該珍惜眼前人,多關心身邊每一個人,我希望每一個人都能結出麥子來。」

病中我見 – 梁熙正




















勁風中的蘆葦 – 陳王 琳

陳王 琳












接下來的十天,是漫長的等待。複診的時候,看到最終病理鑒定報告,真是驚心動魄。我的癌細胞是最壞的(poorly differenciated) ,攻擊性最高的(high grade),還混淆著最糟糕的透明癌細胞(Clear Cell component);不但如此,顯微鏡下鑒定,右側卵巢癌細胞已轉移到看起來完全正常的左側卵巢,左邊的子宮外膜也有癌細胞,沖洗腹腔的生理食鹽水也充滿了癌細胞;更糟糕的是,腰椎旁邊看起來完全正常的淋巴結(lymph node)也有癌細胞。









(原文曾刊在甘泉雙月刊 Spring 2008,蒙作者允許在此刊登。)


神藉著楊老太太讓我經歷祂 – 焦璗


聖經上說:“他病重在榻,耶和華必扶持他;他在病中,祢必為他舖床。”(詩篇四十一:三) 又說:“因為我耶和華你的神必攙扶你的右手,對你說,不要害怕!我必幫助你。”(以賽亞書四十一:十三)




雖然我們言語不通,但是楊老太太見到我的時候,那種愉快喜悅的神情,卻深深地感動了我,對她念念不忘。起先,我並沒有打算繼續去看楊太太,但也許是她那歡欣愉快的個性深深地吸引了我,也可能是聖靈的感動吧。反正以後,每次去看May,就不由自主地去看楊老太太。每週日由教堂出來,總是先去我妻子的墳看看,換一束花,再去看May,最後去探訪楊老太太。去妻子的墳上,可以安慰我對她的思念之情;去看May,享受到老友相見的親切;但每次看過楊老太太,卻使我步履輕健、精神煥發。楊老太太的英文名字是Joy 真是人如其名。每次見到她,她都是興高采烈地拍著手,抱抱我,有時還親親我,真是給了我無比的喜樂。有時我真不知道,究竟是誰在探訪誰,是誰給誰帶來了喜樂。我不竟低頭,感謝我的神,也驚嘆我的神行事奧妙。

我們還是無法溝通,還是比手劃腳,好在多半是她在講。楊老太太似乎有說不完的故事,而我只能在一邊仔細地察言觀色,或是點點頭,或是搖搖頭。但就這樣子,還是弄清楚了一些事情。譬如說,她不喜歡那兒的伙食,更不喜歡那兒的茶水。我就去買了一盒茉莉花茶的茶包送給她。後來才知道,Joy 最喜歡的就是茉莉花茶。我怎能不低頭敬拜神的奇妙恩典和安排,讓我就選了茉莉花茶。冬天的時候,她的手很冷,我就把她的手放在自己的手心裡,慢慢地搓暖。有時候她指指門,我就推著她的輪椅,在走道裡走走。就這樣子,差不多有半年之久。









* 為保護個人隱私,名字已更改。

「骨髓移植」的見證 – 莊愛熙, 黃世瑛

莊愛熙, 黃世瑛 March 2008


感謝你們對我們一家的關懷,特別是對小兒Jonah的支援、鼓勵及那充滿能力的禱告。Jonah出生三週後病危,被診斷患有罕見的噬血淋巴組織細胞瘤(Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis)。他唯一的生存機會就是「骨髓移植」,感謝神,Jonah於去年感恩節翌日從大他三歲的哥哥Ethan獲得了骨髓捐贈。如今將近七個月大的Jonah已克服了許多障礙,也邁向倖存一百天的里程。他日前仍然處於危險中。在未來的日子裡,他必須戰勝許多具有生命威脅的難關。這樣,才可確定他是痊癒的。目前最大的挑戰就是:一、要讓他哥哥的細胞牢牢而長久地存活在他體內,免得已移植的骨髓遭排斥。二、讓他勝過細胞病毒(CMV)的感染。為此,我們不斷地迫切為Jonah禱告,求神憐憫。並請你們也為他代求!


在此,我們更要把一令人興奮的好消息帶給每位付出寶貴時間前來參與骨髓捐贈註冊及抽樣的朋友,以及那些為這次捐贈活動付出了時間與精力的朋友們―你們的辛勞沒有落空! 有病人因這次活動找到了相配的骨髓! 誠然,能找到相配的骨髓只有百萬分之一的機會。身為華人我們應珍惜每個能挽救生命的契機,給予危在旦夕的病人及其家人一個新生的機會。做為一個見證自己兒子因骨髓移植獲「再生」機會的父母,深覺能有更多華人能參與捐贈骨髓登記越好,其重要性我們強調不盡。人類最偉大的捐贈莫大於骨髓捐贈救人一命!



1. National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP)
2. Asian American Donor Program
3. Asians for Miracle Marrow Matches

經過水火,到豐富之地 – 李嫣如








在泰國宣教十三年,神帶領參與開荒建立清邁和梅木二教會後,繼續用(以賽亞書54:2,3)來顯明祂更大的使命,前面有更大的託付,要我向左向右開展.所以「我必不致死,仍要存活,並要傳揚耶和華的作為。」,我心中深處有一個安穩的確據:我會再上宣教工場,成就我從主耶穌所領受的託付.正如保羅所說:「我卻不以性命為念,…..,成就我從主耶穌所領受的職事,證明 神恩惠的福音。」(使徒行傳20:24


這場病來時神賜給羅馬書5:3-5 「不但如此,就是在患難中也是歡歡喜喜的;因為知道患難生忍耐, 忍耐生老練(Character品格),老練生盼望; 盼望不至於羞恥(不落空),因為所賜給我們的聖靈將 神的愛澆灌在我們心裏。」首先神教導我以歡歡喜喜的心來面對癌症,深信神是使咒詛變為祝福的神(尼希米記13:22).當負面的思想一來時就以神的話回擊得勝.



正如詩篇66:12我們經過水火,你卻使我們到豐富之地。」這場病雖如經過水火,但神卻使我收穫豐富.首先因著治療我得到充分的休息因此身體更健康,原先身體右邊的麻痺已完全沒有了,膽固醇指數下降了.其次,在病中得神的安慰,將來我可以用祂的安慰去幫助在病中的人.「我們在一切患難中,他就安慰我們,叫我們能用 神所賜的安慰去安慰那遭各樣患難的人。」(林後1:4




走過患癌的日子 – 葉秀霞







那段你伴我走過的日子,成了無限美好的追憶,當我們第一次學習同心禱告,仰望 神的帶領時,也正是我倆熱戀之際,受到妒忌和攻擊。這剛好成為我們婚前學習同甘共苦,以愛來抵擋困難的功課。婚後我們也曾為了生育孩子的種種困難,仰望與祈求 神。祂應允了我們恆切的禱告,賜給我們一子一女,有一個幸福美好的家庭。


偶爾你帶我參加舞會,享受美妙的音樂,那情境真是只羨鴛鴦不羨仙。我們有時也喜歡接待朋友回家見證主;我倆能一起與弟兄姊妹事奉主,是 神何等的美意。結婚十二年,每天我們都有說不盡的情話,感謝 神的配合。





那料搬家一個月後,因工作的壓力,加上搬家的操勞,你病倒了。你從此一病不起,原來證實是末期肺癌,你只有半年的壽命。惡噩傳來,你後悔莫及,你痛悔沒有以家庭為重,竟把事業放在第一位;你更後悔撇棄自己的健康,和沒有關顧家庭。你立刻回到 神面前,痛悔認罪。我也向 神求寬恕,為著我過去因得不著你的愛而發脾氣。



你臨終遺言,要我教導孩子們不要走爸爸的道路,你要我把孩子帶到 神面前,做個真正的基督徒,將來要找個能同負一軛的人走完世途。不要讓孩子們受太大的壓力,非要進入名校不可,以至不惜身體健康。身體是 神的殿,不可毀傷。你也囑咐我教導孩子不要追求名利,要做一個樸實而快樂的基督徒。你又吩咐孩子們不要輕信他人,因為人心都極壞,只有那創造天地的 神才可信靠。因為祂昨日、今日、明日,永遠不變。




Rossana’s sharing part I: God is the ingenious artist

Dear brothers and sisters,

It’s been an entire year since Tony’s death. God talked to me in my heart a week or so after we found out about his cancer. He told me I could not lose this battle to Satan…. Then on the very night Tony passed away, I heard His voice in my heart again, word by word – “It’s time for you to start working for me”. Someone asked me if I had ever thought about where Tony was right now……the story of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke came up to me……the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man died and was in torment in hell. He looked up and saw Lazarus and Abraham, who told him Lazarus was comforted there and between them a great chasm had been fixed, so that those who want to go from there to him cannot, nor can anyone cross over from hell to him. I did ask Tony if he saw any angels coming for him at the hour he was leaving. He could hardly talk by then…..yet he still tried to utter the word “yes”, not just once, through his teeth….I was pretty certain that angels came and carried him away and he is blissful and worry free now.

There were lots of paperwork and things to be done after Tony’s death. By His Grace He sent Andrew Lai to help me go thru all those somewhat frustrating and time consuming probate procedures. It took me almost 9 months to finish all matters concerned. Stephen Ip volunteers to be our financial adviser and I thank God for all the brothers and sisters who had assisted me after Tony’s gone. So far God has been providing enough for my family to go by.

I informed 3 or 4 college friends about Tony’s death last Nov. Then I escorted my sister on a trip to Japan and San Fran. in Jan. It was not till we moved to a hotel in S.F. that we had internet connections. I checked my email and realized there were like 70 unread messages – many of them were from the old Texas Tech guys sending me sympathies. I’m grateful we’ve all come to renew our old friendship back 20+ years…..We even started a TTU Yahoo group online. Miraculously God arranges an opportunity for me to witness Him through the emails I deliver to them.

Then God gave me another chance to serve Him this fall by teaching ESL on Sundays in church. As a matter of fact, I’ve already started to talk to my students about our Lord. I know He will contrive for me to accomplish His purpose on my life…..like providing the right timing, a proper place, etc.

The next thing is, by no accident, I came across a cancer patient care program from Chinese Christian Herald Crusades in our church Bulletin early October. I used to toss away the bulletin every week, without reading every single item carefully. But before I was about to discard that bulletin, some thoughts urged me to open and read particularly about that session. I attended the training class, signed up as volunteer to pray, visit, care for cancer patients, and to help whenever any special programs come up in the future. I got invited to a dedication dinner one night and met a lung cancer patient. Amazingly she looks well-composed and she even volunteers at MD Anderson. I was overjoyed when she said she could help me sign up for volunteer services at the hospital, since this is what I’ve been wishing to do even before Tony died. I attended an orientation and interview last week and probably I can start volunteering next month.

Sometimes I pray that God would stop all storm and stress for the rest of my life….and I could still get my strength in quietness and peace, if possible. I know it is easy to address “Having more hardship and affliction, better testimony for Him.” It’s true we are in great torment when we suffer. Yet it is also true that the more turbulence and turmoil we encounter, the more life experience we have to share, and much easier for us to present our testimonies. What do I have to say from my heart if my life is flat without ups and downs? This is how we are shaped to witness Him.

God is the ingenious artist. An essay online says Leonardo De Vinci was actually trying to paint a self-portrait when he was working on Mona Lisa. God is also trying to draw a self portrait on the canvas of our lives. Trying to secure us to conform to His image, He keeps erasing and redrawing earnestly. Each erasing is the pain we need to endure, and each redrawing is the time when we come out of every valley of the shadow of death. We will eventually be molded to the image of Christ after numerous repeated erasing and redrawing. All we need is patience and trust to persevere until the portrait is accomplished. It’ll be an ingenuous and memorable portrait which God Himself would retain for His own collection.

There are times I think I have too much agony and misery, yet there are always a lot of others who are worse than me. I heard a lady with 2 kids, aged 11 and 15, lost her husband with cancer in summer 2005. It wasn’t long that she lost her home in New Orleans later. Double category 5 hurricanes in a few months……. and endless despairing news from multimedia……

I know some people are skeptical about watching TV – but nowadays the quality of multimedia is much better. I think we need to use a more open attitude toward multimedia. It is not all junk soap opera or movies any more. You can practically learn a great deal from it. Every episode in Tai Cheung Kim is so touching….if it is really a true story as claimed, I wonder how many Christians can love and treat their enemies like she did. She forgave them all….even those who killed her parents directly and indirectly. As a matter of fact, today’s multimedia is a high tech product of great versatility. They present shows of traveling, gourmet cooking, problems of the society, life from different levels….

The stunning places around the world amaze you at God’s wonderful and incredible creations…….

Once I saw a special program interviewing a Christian lady from Hong Kong. She spent time and money helping and serving crippled children in Mainland China. Recently she adopted a severely crippled girl who can neither see nor talk nor walk. Yet the baby is blessed to have met such a compassionate lady who has a heart of Christ. Even her mother would not accept her being unmarried with an adopted child in the beginning. She won her mom’s approval and support finally when they both appeared on the show…..

TVB (a TV station in Hong Kong) worked with Chinese Christian Herald Crusades and collected $1,600,000 in the 2004 tsunami fundraising program……

The children sponsoring program of World Vision, an organization which keeps reminding us there are millions of children who are surviving without much food daily…….and Hong Kong singer Andy Lau is sponsoring 15 children each year……

I watched a special program once introducing scenery at Yen Tong Shan, China. The host mentioned that we cannot see a perfect sunrise when the weather is bright and clear. Contrarily it is when mist and haze are present that we can watch a perfect sunrise with the sun looks like a salt egg yolk. This reminds us things might not come out perfect and ideal as we hope for when we are in favorable conditions. Yet something excelling and sublime might surprisingly occur when we experience unfavorable situations. The point is whether we perceive and apprehend it or not.

Let’s pray fervently that we all put our focus on God alone and strive for “our partnership in the gospel”. Base only on the truth in the Bible, we can “take our stand against the devil’s schemes, and do not give the devil a foothold.”

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2 -3

Rossana Lai, November 2006

Rossana’s sharing part II: Our God is an awesome God

Dear brothers and sisters,

How are you all doing? The third anniversary of Tony’s passing is here! I haven’t gone anywhere since my Hawaiian trip. Yet my life in Houston is adventurous and enriching under His TLC.

God has been offering me chances for volunteering work in the past two years. Meanwhile, I discover that He has been providing me everything I need, as long as I am responding him ceaselessly and “making the most of every opportunity” (Ephesians 5:16)…..thus witnessing again His words “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

There are four advantages I can think of about volunteering:

Learning on the job –

Cancer hospital volunteers have to participate in continuing education events annually. There are many topics which I found very interesting. One of them is the integrative medicine program – traditional treatments along with Tai Chi, Yoga, laughing Yoga, acupuncture, music and art therapy, spiritual life, etc. The purpose is to offer a better quality of life to patients. I’ve acquired plenty of new medical knowledge such as clinical trial and stem cell transplant. Also I get to developing more computer skills to employ in the cancer association promotions.

Learning how to care for others –

I get the warmth of being cared for simultaneously as I care for others. Every patient, survivor, and volunteer has his or her own story. I can be able to build up a deeper interpersonal relationship with them as long as I am willing to open up myself. I try to let them feel comfortable with me and there is actually somebody who really cares about them. Many patients are willing to share their experiences, feelings, worries, and fear. The point is whether I am willing to initiate the approach. Jesus Christ initiated to reach out mankind, setting a very good example for us. I’ve been trying to keep in contact with some patients-calling, emailing, or visiting them. They are delighted because they know that I remember them in my heart. Patients appreciate what I am doing and may set a life time friendship with me. One-on-one relationship takes plenty of time, manpower, and thoughts, but it’s worthwhile and very effective.

Learning to help those in need –

There are a lot of challenges involved, investing in lots of time and energy, yet I feel contented and gratifying. I’ve helped a patient as a translator in a hospital once. We waited for almost four hours before we could see the doctor. Later we found out she had to go to another hospital for some other treatment and I accompanied her again. Also I’ve never imagined it would be helpful taking Tai Chi and praise dancing classes. Patients are glad to do the exercises with us during our monthly meetings. These exercises help them feeling relaxed and less stressful.

Learning to witness the Lord –

Many stories are very touching, meantime, my story touches others as well. I could not stop my tears twice at meetings when I was trying to witness Him. I refrained from doing that later on because “though I stumble, I will not fall, for the Lord upholds me with His hand.” Once I realized the Holy Spirit was really touching a patient through my written testimony to her because she was still reading it when I went to visit her the next time.

I used to be scared of talking in front of a large group. But since Tony’s passing, I’ve got many chances to stand up and witness the Lord. God gave me 14 months of training on how to take care of a cancer patient. He humorously arranges me to volunteer in a hospital, which is 34 miles round trip from my house, though He knows I hate driving and germs. I even came across a TB active patient once.

Our God is an awesome God. I have been figuring out solutions to solve problems my way involuntarily. When my grandma was in a critical condition in August, I was very upset and distressed because she was not a Christian yet. I asked our pastor for help, hoping he would invite some pastors in Hong Kong to see her before I go back and talk to her. Amazingly God had His way……she died the very next morning, the day I was planning to book the air ticket! I was heartbroken and I complained to God why He didn’t give me two more days – according to my plan, she would have accepted Christ if I had arrived by her side in time.

Then my sisters called and confirmed that grandma had already told a church coworker some time ago that she believed. I told her about Christ and brought her to my friend’s church when I was in Hong Kong two years ago. What I did not know was the good Lord had actually been working on her! Even my non-Christian brother and sisters started to appreciate our God. They said everything seemed to have been planned so well – from getting grandma to the hospital without delay to her funeral – the incredible part was they hardly knew anybody in the memorial service since most attendants were from that church. They also told me grandma looked like a baby, with her skin turning fair and soft by the time she passed away. She was never in a coma and she didn’t have any pain or medication. It was just like she was sleeping peacefully on her way home in heaven. Sing Hallelujah to the Lord! The incidence reminded me once again that His way is higher than my way and His thoughts than my thoughts. I’m sooooooo sorry, Lord!

Apostle Paul talked about a faithful soldier, a victorious athlete, and a hardworking farmer…..one will get the victor’s crown in heaven if one pays the price for it. Holding onto God’s faithful promises, I’ll be courageous to face all challenges and trials he put me through. Affliction and pain are temporary, God and His truth is eternal. This glorious truth of the blessed God is worth for us to keep and tell. In this way, we will not be ungrateful for the gospel He entrusted to us.

I have blessedly and securely gone through hurricane Ike. However, God is leading me through another hurricane. “The battle is the Lord’s”. He is the righteous Judge and he will win consequently. He will contend for me and vindicate me in His righteousness. I am ready to put on the armor of God and stand firm. I’m enduring all hardship with a joyful heart because I know God is sharing the bitterness and suffering with me.

The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them;
he delivers them from all their troubles.
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted,
and saved those who are crushed in spirit.
A righteous man may have many troubles,
but the Lord delivers him from them all. Psalm 34: 17-19

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him;
do not fret when men succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked schemes
Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;
do not fret-it leads only to evil.
For evil men will be cut off,
but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land. Psalm 37: 7-9

By faith I can survive every showdown with Satan. “….And I was delivered from the lion’s mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory forever and ever, Amen.” (2 Timothy 4:17-18)

Rossana Lai, November 2008